By: Batch 7- Lai Yee Xuan 赖怡萱
学校音乐室的keyboard不能用,只能在手机下载“Perfect Piano”来弹奏chords开始摸索歌曲旋律。非常记得,第一次蹦出的灵感,也就是我们MV歌曲的开头以及chorus部分,其实就是有一次我在上Biology Tutorial的时候偷偷地拿起手机,反复弹奏那四个chords,之后头脑就响起了一段朗朗上口的旋律。灵感来得快去得也快,我马上把每个notes写下来以防自己忘记。回到宿舍后,我在电脑下载了“Musescore”把一个个音符输入进电脑,想着之后能写出一个乐谱。一是为了让编曲师方便,二是我很享受输入音符的每个时刻!这个app真心好用,既可以选各种乐器,还可以反复试听,尽管有时候那个软件真的把我气死……还有,当时由于疫情大家都被迫提早一个月时间毕业而拼命赶syllabus,实在是有很少时间空出,于是我就在每个星期抽出几天晚上的时间填音符+找灵感咯~ 尽管那时候挺压力的,甚至想过中途放弃,但现在想想,真的好值得!
一首歌当然也有固定的格式,例如:开头Verse 1&2、Pre-chorus、Chorus 1&2、Bridge、结尾。我搞定了Chorus的部分后,开始想想Verse 1该是怎样的旋律作为“唱”部分的第一句。想着应该以较平的旋律进入一首歌,于是我就开始想各式各样的旋律啦~ 无论是走在路上,还是在cafe,总之是任何地方,只要想起旋律,我一定会赶快拿起手机,用哼唱的方式,把旋律录下!之后回到房间再进行筛选。只要是能够接得上或合适的,我都一一输入电脑。(当然也有反复删减啦)
完成了半首歌曲的旋律后,我就将现有成品交与一些筹委来一起试听,想看有哪些部分可以改改之类的。拾取了一些人的建议、想法,便继续赶工了~ 因为大家一开始想尝试来段抒情rap,于是在Verse 3(看着手中握着的冰淇淋……) 就出现了这样一个较轻快的旋律,其实就是想写成rap但写不了……还有,一些原本是要当作过门音乐到最后也变成了其中的旋律啦!P/S:团队合作很重要的~说不定有别人的宝贵建议能够让你的想法变得更好!
作词人就是由我们的巧砡&美惠以及YK最终一起完成的啦~ 之前写好的乐谱以及音源都发给这两位小姐姐,方便她们可以数每行的字数,也能够试听词和曲是否搭配得上。记得当时大家都忙于UPS &上课,只有晚上才抽空写词,要不然就是在时间表空着的时候找找灵感写的。她们还想了几个版本看看是否能搭配得上曲子,把旋律都听了无数遍,甚至熟悉了旋律。之后,她们与作曲人进行沟通,看看是否能删减或增加一些合适的文字使整句歌词变得更加顺通。作词人与作曲人的沟通与配合为呈现一首效果颇好的歌曲非常重要!最后的最后,YK就会帮忙修改一些词汇,我们的词也就这样完成咯!(以上资料由蔡美惠小姐姐提供)
大概几天后,我们就开始进行第一次录音啦。由于是零成本录音,所以当时确实没有专业的收音mic。记得那时候是星期五,图书馆没开,我们不能借用bilik bincang。但为达到没有杂音的效果,我们就到bilik tutorial block选一间较小的课室。跟你们分享一件非常搞笑的事情,因为歌手人数是四位,加上没有专业录音设备,所以我们必须要用两架手机两个耳机,同时按“开始”才能达到背景音乐一致播放。要是唱错了,必须得重来按同时播放,挺崩溃der。以为一次录音就可以完成了,结果却录了三次,得到了不少教训。(录音时一定要很靠近mic+歌手一定要很熟悉曲子哟)
第一次录音,地点(Bilik Tutorial)
第三次录音,地点(Bilik Siber Remaja)
BY : Koay Jo Ean (Batch 7)
The hardest thing about returning to KMKt for the second semester was figuring out what to pack inside my luggage. I would be taking the direct flight from Melaka to Kelantan, so I was well-aware that I could not bring the world inside my yellow suitcase, as my baggage was limited. Memories of the first semester rushed through my head as I begin loading things into my suitcase. A passing thought suddenly flashed through my mind. I grabbed my Canon digital camera, hoping that perhaps I could capture the future memories of college.
So, that was one of the main reasons I volunteered to be part of the camera crew of the KMKt Music Video.
I was, and still am not especially familiar with a camera. If you walked round the street, or strolled by your local McDonalds, I am sure you may find others who are better at photography. Despite this, the idea of being involved in the MV was too good of an opportunity to pass. The coronavirus pandemic had prevented many of the Chinese committee plans from happening. We had organized a small Chinese reunion dinner, but that had been almost two months ago. So, it was came to no one’s surprise that the MV became the main project for us all.
Being a part of the photography crew along with two others, it was definitely a fresh experience for me. For starters, as a photographer, I could be on set for many of the scenes being filmed. I began to understand how directing and shooting were carried out as it was happening all around me. I was constantly surrounded by noise, chatter and excitement. The director’s voice issuing instructions, the actors all dressed up and ready, the scriptwriters standing at the side watching their ideas take form into reality. I had a really, really enjoyable time.
On the first day, or rather, the first night, about a dozen students participated in the scene. We were located smack dab in the center of the road, that ran straight across from the boys block all the way to the tutorial rooms. It wasn’t a particularly cold day and the wind seemed a bit shy. The moon was off-yellow and only slightly luminous. It seemed to hang low as if it was attracted to the earth and it’s magnetic pull. The scene consisted of about 8 students talking and calling a friend towards them. This merry moment would then be interrupted by the roar of a guard’s motorcycle. I was standing, slightly hunched in the middle of the road, just me and my camera. Another member of the photography crew was located by the side of road, providing a second angle of the scene. The actors were ready as the motorcycle could be heard growling in anticipation. My fingers were sweating slightly, as I nervously hovered my trembling fingers over the ‘start video’ button. I took a deep breath, my ears prickling to hear the director’s voice.
I heard it.
I pressed the button as the scene came alive before my very eyes. The actors ran towards me, as the light of the motorcycle grew closer and brighter. After the guard drove past me, I let two seconds past before ending the video and completing the scene. I slowly straightened out my back and passed my phone to the directors for inspection. The actors all seemed relaxed and people were having small talk all around the road. It was a very fascinating experience.
The next few weeks passed in similar fashion. Different scenes were filmed throughout the college campus. I had a thrilling time taking the scenes in the library, near the college entrance, at the campus café and even by the pond with disgusting water. Hahaha. Regardless to say, I had an amazing time talking to all the actors before lights camera and action. I was also given opportunities to give my feedback on the videos themselves. Whether the lighting was too bright or the background was appropriate etc.
The true fun of being a photographer throughout this MV shooting scene was not the shooting itself, but the times in-between the shootings. I would survey the beautiful skies hanging over the college and just enjoy the moment of being with my friends and living the campus life. I would watch the directors and actors mess around as they broke character for a few moments until the scene came back to life.
It was pure bliss and I loved everything about my job as an MV photographer. I am still so grateful to be given such a rare and unique role. It was amazing to spend the end of my college life working on such a fantastic project.
And that’s a wrap.